Almost everyone has heard about e-commerce and marvels about the many possibilities that it provides. Very few people would have imagined that it would be possible to order your entire month’s shopping from the comfort of your living room. But e-commerce has shown us that nothing is impossible. Here is a look at the key details that will guide to e-commerce
?What is ecommerce
The complete name for ecommerce is electronic commerce. This is a naming approach that often takes different forms, including :
1. e-commerce
4.e commerce
All these terms basically refer to the same thing. That is, the buying and selling of goods and/or services through the Internet, and the transfer of cash and data to complete a sale. The term Internet access may also be used in exchange for the various variations of ecommerce.
When you set out to engage in ecommerce, you would have to either create respective social media pages or an ecommerce website. That’s your way for reaching out to potential customers and how you would be executing your sales.
Different entrepreneurs have engaged in ecommerce from varying perspectives, including :
1.Retail – Selling products directly to consumers through your ecommerce platform without involving a third party
2.Wholesale – Selling products in bulk, mainly to a retailer, who then sells directly to consumers.
3.Drop shipping – Selling and shipping manufactured products via a third party .
4.Digital products – Refers to downloadable items such as e-books, courses, templates, media, or software that potential users must buy. These represent one of the biggest percentages of ecommerce transactions.
5.Subscription – The most popular direct to consumer model characterized by recurring purchases at a defined interval
6.Crowdfunding – An approach that sellers use to generate startup capital to launch their product in the market. The product is created and shipped after a considerable number of consumers buy it.
Five main types of ecommerce– guide to e-commerce
When you say that you are involved in ecommerce, your activities can fall under any of the following five types of online shopping:
Business to Consumer (B2C)
This is the most popular type of ecommerce model and one that has seen individuals try to reach as many people in the target population as they can. In the B2C model, the business sells directly to the consumer. For instance, purchasing a rug from an online retail qualifies to be classified as a B2C transaction.
Business to Business (B2B)
Involves selling of goods and/or services from one business to another. For example, a manufacturer could sell to a wholesaler or a wholesaler selling to a retailer. In the B2B model, the consumer is taken out of the picture and will typically entail sell of products such as software, raw materials, and products that need to be combined for a final version. B2B also allows manufacturers to sell directly to retailers, taking wholesalers out of the equation.
Direct to Consumer (D2C)
This is one of the newest models in the ecommerce setup and is characterized by a brand selling directly to its customers, bypassing retailers, distributors, or wholesalers. The D2C model is famous for subscriptions and often sells via social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, among others.
Consumer to Consumer (C2C)
An ecommerce model in which one consumer sells to another via existing platforms. This kind of transaction typically happens on platforms like Fivver, eBay, Etsy, among others.
Consumer to Business (C2B)
C2B happens when an individual gets an opportunity to sell their products and/or services to businesses. The model mainly covers freelancers who offers services encompassing writing, consultancy, and photography.
Benefits of ecommerce– guide to e-commerce
There is no doubt that ecommerce is a valuable transaction that any given individual will find it worthwhile engaging. There are several benefits that different classes of participants can get, thanks to ecommerce.
If you are a buyer, some of the benefits to look out for include:
1.Targeted communication – Sellers harness data that helps them to send their communication to specific individuals whom the ecommerce message is intended for. That means you get specific details of products instead of being bombarded with all kinds of advertisement.
2.Convenience in shopping – You can place your order from the comfort of your house and get it delivered to your doorstep. That saves you from the hassle of dealing with long queues at the local store.
3.Ability to compare prices among sellers – Since all sellers are based online and you have access to their stores from your mobile device, you can quickly check how much each sells a particular product. There are comparison sites that can help you get consolidated information from one platform.
4.Informed purchasing decisions – With the existence of many review websites in the world of ecommerce, an online buyer can make a more informed decision thanks to the access to information.
Similarly, sellers stand to benefit from ecommerce. Among the benefits to look out for include:
1.Ability to reach customers beyond geographical limitations. Ecommerce allows sellers to target customers across borders depending on the kind of product on offer. You can comfortably sell across continents when dealing with online services and digital products.
2.Ability to keep your Wix guide to e-commerce store up and running 24/7, 365 days of the year. That is something that you may not be able to do with the traditional store.
3.Better control of the selling and tracking process, more so when you have a centralized point of sale (POS).
4.Reduced overhead cost thanks to the elimination of brick and mortar locations.
Ecommerce is clearly the new way in which majority of transactions will be done amongst consumers and sellers. As you engage in this entrepreneurial model, it is important to stick to the best practices of guide to e-commerce, both as a buyer and a seller.